St. Mary Catholic Schools (SMCS) is proud of the educational support provided to K-12 students through its comprehensive pupil services program.

The pupil services program proactively helps educators assess student needs and apply learning strategies at a critical stage of educational development. The program includes two elementary-level learning specialists with specialized training and certification in speech and language pathology and K-9 special education and a graduate degree in educational leadership, respectively.  The special education instructor also works at the middle school, and a full-time learning specialist assists students at the high school.

These professionals work as a team with the guidance counselors, reading specialists and classroom teachers to develop and implement a wide-reaching learning assistance program. The program supports student achievement and allows for a successful transition of services from one school level to the next. The pupil services team is committed to joining forces with classroom teachers and parents to support and enhance students’ individualized education experience. The pupil services team strengthens SMCS’s ability to help every student succeed to his or her highest potential.