Academic Assistance

When a student experiences academic difficulty, the SMCHS counselor may recommend assistance through our learning specialist. The need for such action may be indicated by grade reports, academic progress reports, referral by the parent, guardian or teacher, or by the student’s own realization. At SMCHS, we strive to help every student reach his or her full academic potential.

Learning Specialist

As part of the system’s comprehensive pupil services programSMCHS has a full-time learning specialist available on a daily basis whose primary duty is to coordinate the efforts of the classroom teacher, the student, the school counseling (guidance) office, school administration and parents, as well as to recommend strategies for improvement in study habits and classroom participation. The learning specialist assists students within the classroom setting, in study halls and non-instructional time, as well as before and after school.

Because students do not all learn in the same way, the SMCHS learning specialist works with classroom teachers to incorporate differentiated instruction and modifications or accommodations to meet the needs of each student. The learning specialist utilizes multiple strategies promoted by experts in the field of inclusive education and multiple intelligences.

Resources for the learning specialist include the Diocese of Green Bay, the CESA 6 Media Center, the Neenah Joint School District’s Instructional Support Services, Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (WATI), and various private and public learning assistance agencies within the Fox Valley area.

How a Learning Specialist Helps
  • Gathers evidence regarding a student’s achievement, disposition and proficiency, and collects appropriate data (past grades, achievement tests, information from teachers)
  • Consults with current and former teachers
  • Develops support plans for individual students
  • Creates goals for individual students
  • Teaches study skills and organizational skills
  • Helps students become independent
  • Assists students in class as needed
  • Assists teachers as needed
  • Helps students become accountable for their own learning by making them aware of their individual learning styles
  • Monitors student progress and performs ongoing assessment
  • Participates in parent meetings
  • Provides resources for teachers
  • Conducts regular meetings with teachers, parents, and individual students to discuss student’s progress
  • Assists students with projects
  • Facilitates study groups
  • Provides a positive test-taking environment
Guided Study

In order for all students to succeed at SMCS, we have implemented a guided study program. The program takes place during the school day, opposite the lunch period. Three weeks into a quarter, any student receiving a D or F is placed in guided study for the week.

Students are given time to communicate with their teacher on how to improve their grade, to complete missing/late work, to receive extra help from a teacher, study for an upcoming assessment or review concepts with a peer. This encourages students to take ownership in their own learning, while given the extra guidance they may need to be successful.