SMCS World Languages
A modern, demanding world requires modern learning. The SMCS community is committed to inspiring students to become well-rounded citizens who will thrive in a global marketplace. The ability to understand other cultures and communicate effectively is key to future success.
World Languages – High School
At the high school, world language classes are part of the daily curriculum for those who elect to take them and are an important component of most college admissions requirements. SMCHS is pleased to offer a CAPP German class that enables students to earn both high school and college credits in upper-level German and 5th year Spanish is an AP class.
Global Scholars Program and Certificate of Global Competence
SMCS is approved for the Global Scholars Program and Certificate of Global Competence. This program ensures that students and staff are engaged in learning and supporting the meaningful development of global competence. It promotes international leaning, global awareness, and cross-cultural connections across Wisconsin.
The following classes have been approved without stipulations:
- AP Language & Composition
- AP Literature & Culture
- Contemporary Literature
- English 9/Honors
- Greco-Roman Mythology
- World Lit (with encouragement to integrate non-European authors and themes)
- Modern European History
- Global Studies
- Human Geography
- AP Comp Government
World Travel
The instructors of each of the three world languages offered at SMCHS realize the value of experiencing a native-speaking culture firsthand, so international travel at the high school level is encouraged.
World Languages – Middle School
With early exposure to world languages, when students enter middle school, they have had enough experience to choose the language they would like to continue, or to begin learning German. All languages are offered at this level are taught every day, and students in eighth grade who have completed both the A- and B-level of instruction may take a “for-credit” language class at St. Mary Catholic High School in German or Spanish.
SMCMS offers two world languages classes: German and Spanish. Sixth grade students experience both languages. These classes are every other day and taught on a trimester basis rotating between both languages. There is some homework and assessments in these classes and students start to learn the basics of the languages. Students will experience/learn the alphabet, entry-level words, and verb forms in order to make an informed decision when they choose a language for seventh grade.
In eighth grade, many students have an opportunity to take a level I World Language class and receive a high school credit. If students wish not to take a level I class, we offer eighth grade World Language classes. Students who complete eighth grade World Language classes, may be able to test into level II as a freshman.