
A special evening is planned for Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. for the families of students from preschool through fifth grade in a variety of areas including fine arts and science and technology, and more.

The SMCS Enrichment Program offers a wide variety of after-school and evening classes for students in preschool through eighth grade at all three elementary campus locations and the middle school. We are proud that the classes offer an educational extension of the school day for our families with early education-age children.

Some taught by professionals and others by talented parent volunteers, the classes offer enriching experiences that students might not otherwise have a chance to try, most right at their own schools. Ranging from sports to a variety of visual and performing arts to science and technology (STEM), these classes are offered throughout the school year to SMCS students.

The recital presentation, which will take place in the Jane Bergstrom Fine Arts Education Center theater at 6:30 p.m., will feature hip hop groups, karate, and cheer. The showcase is an opportunity for SMCS students to share what they have learned!